Forehand stroke with short pips

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 13 years ago

Kitekun Unknown

Kitekun Unknown Asked 14 years ago

Hello I have just switched my forehand from a inverted rubber to short pips(I play Chinese Pen-hold). I realized that in a match I rarely loop so I thought short pips could be a better option for me. I understand that playing with short pips means to have your blade more open and try and hit either early or at the top of the bounce, but I am not sure on how to do the proper follow-through with the stroke. Do I still keep the same form as I did with my inverted forehand or do I hit more horizontal. I seem to have a hard time with consistency with my forehand since the ball sometimes hits into the net or overshoots the table. 

Any tips are fine thanks


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Kitekun,

What you are experiencing is the low margin for error you have with the short pips.

Follow through the same as you would with inverted rubber just have you bat more open as you are doing.  The follow through ensures a more consistent stroke.

Jiang Jialiang, two time World singles champion, the best player I ever played, used short pimples and played with a penhold grip. If you get a chance to see any footage of him playing it would be worthwhile.

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