Is my bat fast for a beginner

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 6 years ago

peter egonia

peter egonia Asked 7 years ago

Hello Jeff and Alois! By the way thank you for helping us improve our game :) it really means a lot.

I bought Stiga Infinity VPS (Labelled as OFF) with Mark V rubbers (Not sure if speed glue was used)

I noticed that I can't really perform a full range of motion during forehand counterhit.

I just started using it. Should I stick to it more and give it more time or should I buy an slower paddle?

By the way I just started learning strokes.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Peter,

It does sound like the bat is a bit fast to start to learn strokes with.  I would put it aside for about 6 months and get your self a slower bat.  You will be able to go back to it fairly soon.

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Thoughts on this question

Mark H

Mark H Posted 6 years ago

Hi Alois,


At what point in Peter's(my) development would you recommend is the right time to move onto a faster rubber ?. Is there a standard or benchmark that would suggest that your consistency is good enough on your basic strokes to enable you to change up to a faster set up ?

Btw, this new website is a vast improvement on the old version, much slicker and user friendly !.





Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Hi Mark,

Always a difficult question.  I think you start to feel that the ball is going too slowly for the amount of effort you are putting in and you are making the shots most of the time.  At this stage it is worth trying someone else's bat with faster rubber and seeing if it feel too fast or feels like you are getting a better reward for your shots.

Mark H

Mark H Posted 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply Alois.

Thats a good call , I will try someone's faster bat down the club. 

I'm  currently using a Sriver EL, what rubbers would you recommend as the next step up if I decided I was ready ?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

There are a million options.  We use Rakza 7 as a step up but there are soooooo many choices.

Mark H

Mark H Posted 6 years ago

Fair enough , I'll try out as many at the club as possible when it's time to move up.


peter egonia

peter egonia Posted 6 years ago

Thank you for your response Alois.

What blade can you recommend? :)

A cheap one would be good but I don't mind spending if the pricey one is really better than the cheap

Thank you very much!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Hi Peter,

There is always the PingSkills Rook which we recommend for learning strokes.

peter egonia

peter egonia Posted 6 years ago

Thank you for the recommendation, Sir Alois

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