Moving during service

Table Tennis Serving

Last updated 10 years ago

alex fernandez

alex fernandez Asked 11 years ago

hi alois.

you said me that when the ball is ready for being service, i mustn´t walk . this i understand.

but you also said me that when the ball is ready for being service, the ball go to up and i mustn´t move. but i saw in matches that the players move always and walk small feet when the ball is up.

you can explicate me please?

and you said me also that i can jump in the service, but if i can´t move, i can jump...?

thanks and sorry for the long text.

my english is terrible, sorry.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Alex,

Sorry if I didn't explain it properly.  You are allowed to move when the ball is in the air when you throw the ball up.  The ball has to go almost straight up and down so you won't be able to move very much anyway.

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Thoughts on this question

alex fernandez

alex fernandez Posted 10 years ago

ok.thank you very much.

so when the ball is in my palm of my hand , i didn´t move, but when the ball is in the air i can move.

ok 1 )but can i jump when the ball is in the palm of my hand for the elevation (so for that the ball go up i can go with the ball)? or 2) can i jump when the ball is down? or 3) both?

the question 1) i don´t think if i  explicate very good...

thank you very much

sorry for the long text and my english is terrible.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Alex,

Yes you can jump to throw it up.

alex fernandez

alex fernandez Posted 10 years ago

ok.thank you

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