My opponent is a loop killer.

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 13 years ago

Nirakar Sapkota

Nirakar Sapkota Asked 13 years ago

Hello sir,

My opponent is a loop killer.As soon as I receive his serve,he either loop kills it or pushes a backspin.If he pushed,I also push back again and he loop kills it.So sir,What shall I do in order to defend him from loop killing?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Nirakar,

The idea is to keep the ball close to the net.  our push needs to be shorter and lower to stop him from attacking.

You need to be able to do this a couple of times in the rally to force him to give you a long ball first that you can attack.

This is a skill that needs a lot of training like any other skill.  We place a lot of importance on the short push because it sets up the point for you.  Otherwise, as you say, you are always defending strong attacks.  See if you can work on your short pushing.

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Thoughts on this question

Isaac Chan

Isaac Chan Posted 13 years ago

If ya don't mind, I'll answer this one in my fashion too. 


Ya see, I know it's impossible to have your opponent not loop, so learning to defending against it is also an extremely vital skill. Long loops generally come relatively slowly, and therefore, you have time to setup a counter or a block. What I'd recommend is that you keep your stance low so that the ball is on the same height as your eyes. When the ball bounces, immediately contact the ball, or better yet, counterloop.


Hope I helped.  

Nirakar Sapkota

Nirakar Sapkota Posted 13 years ago

I was not talking about loop,but was talking about loop kill which is not slow.

But anywayzz,thanks for your advise.

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