Rubbers for aggressive flat play

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 9 years ago

Manu Leach

Manu Leach Asked 9 years ago

Hi Ping Skills, love your videos and have benefitted greatly from them.

Recently, my rubbers (Palio CJ8000) have started to wear out and are not good enough quality for my level of play so I have been looking around for some new rubbers which suit my playing style. However, I have found conflicting results so I am trying to find recommendations from different sources which match.

My playing style is close to the table and I play aggressive flat shots on the forehand but sometimes use topspin as well. My backhand is more controlled and has a strong block and controlled topspin. What rubbers would you recommend and what would be a good blade to go with them?

Cheers, Manu

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Manu,

I don’t know the rubber exactly but perhaps stepping up to something like the Yasaka Rakza 7 would improve the speed and spin of your strokes.  On the backhand try Mark V.

Get a blade that is all round rated.  We usually have the PingSkills Touch which is a good choice.  Not available at the moment however.


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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

One of my opponents,almost pure flathitter (I mentioned him at another question) used a Donic Waldner Black Devil blade and Victas V0 rubbers (max sponge both),but I do not know if it is good..this combo is really fast....

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