Best Shots of 2019

Fun Stuff

The ITTF have put together a wonderful video showing the best shots of 2019. Leave a comment to let us know which one you thought was the best. It's a tough choice!

Posted 4 years ago

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D K Posted 4 years ago

Really hard choice,but personally I love control shots like passive blocks,dropshots,chopblocks etc.


david palethorpe

david palethorpe Posted 4 years ago

well I think the shots from behind the back take some beating whether they are controlled or just lucky.great viewing

Jim Jim Montgomery

Jim Jim Montgomery Posted 4 years ago

Wow! Love the drop shots and the behind the back shots--amazing!


Pieter Holwerda

Pieter Holwerda Posted 4 years ago

Definitely the Timo Bol shot where he changed hands and won the point.

Petr Marhold

Petr Marhold Posted 4 years ago

Hi, all of them are wonderfull, but, I probably love the most that in time 5:05, nice, very nice... :)

jeffrey slagle

jeffrey slagle Posted 4 years ago

4:36 2 lobs and a smash out of nowhere

Roberto Suave

Roberto Suave Posted 4 years ago

Beautifull recap , sure 2020 promises a lot of excitement for all players , as we know TT keep people young

and lively , proof is in the pudding ! Aloi and Jeff we want to see you in more videos. Would you show us how to

counter an agressive player ...and tame him.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

Hi Roberto,

We do have something on this in our "Playing Against" Series.  We have one on Playing An Attacking Looper that would be along these lines.  We mainly talk ways of stopping the attack.



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