Early on in our Table Tennis lives, we are taught to serve short so that we can stop the opponent playing an aggressive return. We are then instructed to “get in” and play a big attacking topspin ourselves. Now this is really solid advice and worth following so make sure you learn how to perform an effective short service.
If you find that your opponent is very good at simply returning your serve short and therefore stopping you attacking, you should take a look at the position of your opponent. Often the players that are very good at returning tightly are not ready for the long fast serve and are hovering over the table in anticipation of a short serve.
By serving some long fast serves, you will keep your opponent on the back foot when receiving and make it much harder for them to return your short serves well. Try serving 10 to 20 percent of your serves long and see what effect it has on your opponents returns.
Even if you lose the point when you serve long, you may find that the doubt you have created helps you win many extra points throughout the course of the match. It is essential that if you serve long, you serve fast so make sure you put in plenty of practice on your long serves before you use this tactic in a match. And one last tip, expect a strong return and you'll be in much better shape when your opponent does return your long serve well. You may even find you can win the point even if you haven't caught them off guard.
Posted 10 years ago
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Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 10 years ago
Very nice article.
Jerry Leslie Posted 7 years ago
I think that part layers at the lower levels probably should serve long most of the time, since the opponent is seldom capable of really attacking a long serve.
Abdul Ali Posted 7 years ago
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago
Hi Jerry,
I think even though you may get away with it at a certain level, you should still work on your shorter serves to be able to move up the levels.
F Wilson Posted 7 years ago
My short serves don't have a lot of back spin but they go over the net low and will bounce at least 2-3 times before the end of the table. I seem to have better success with low and short when I put some sidespin on them, too. When I try for lots of back spin I seem to make more errors. Your thoughts, please?
Margie Hadden Posted 7 years ago
Hi Jeff and Alois, I got a bit tired of tabletennis ( I know who'd believe it!) I think it started when I had two well meaning players try to help me but they gave me so many things to work on that it all seemed to fall apart! My serves started to get really bad , I kept missing. I got busy with other things and took a break from playing, but now I'm back! And the funny thing that seems to happen with me is that after a break I sometimes get better. I think I need a few serves to go to the left hand side of the table though, as you say to put my opponent off guard. I am right handed. I use a bat with ordinary forehand rubber but medium pimples on the back hand. I make all my serves from the far left or centre left of my side. Most of my serves land to the middle or the right hand side of my opponents table. I only have one fast long serve down the left side and it works very well as I only use it rarely, but practise it often in secret! Anyhow could you give me some serves that I could do from the right hand side of the table. Or should I just stay on my left side and direct the same serves to my left which I can do but not sure how effective they'd be. So in summary should I practise the same serves but direct them to the left or will you name some serves I could do from the right hand side thanks! My serves are tomahawk which I miss as often as I get but is pretty effective when I do get it right. I do a top spin long serve with medium pimples which, for some reason even good players don't do well with. I do side swiping serves but always from left to right should i practise right to left from the left side? If you give me a selection of serves, I will choose which ones to practise. Are there any good serves I could do with my back hand medium pimples. Thanks a million!