Trainerbot + PingSkills = Awesome

PingSkills News

The World's first smart ping pong robot is here - the Trainerbot. Using your smartphone to control it, you'll be able to watch a PingSkills tutorial and then have the robot feed you the balls exactly as required to practice that skill.

The Trainerbot started out as a way for creators Alex and Harrison to develop their own table tennis game. They soon realised how beneficial it could be to anyone wanting to improve. They joined a hardware accelerator program and have started a KickStarter campaign to bring the Trainerbot to the World. The campaign is proving to be very popular and they are now hoping to raise even more money to add more innovative features to Trainerbot.

We were incredibly excited when Harrison and Alex approached us about integrating our tutorials directly with Trainerbot. Alex and Harrison have a grand vision to help anybody, anywhere to improve their table tennis. We at PingSkills share that vision and that's why we are so thankful for the opportunity to work with them. To make this a reality they need to reach their stretch goal of $200,000. So if you want a robot that can help you to learn with PingSkills tutorials, back the project today.

Learn more about Trainerbot and get one for yourself

Posted 8 years ago

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