Ask The Coach Show #100 - Competition Winner Announced

10 years ago

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Yesterday’s #PQOTD - 1:34

What has been your favourite question in the show so far?

German Open - 4:19

The draw for the German Open has been released

Why Attack? - 8:34

Yash: I see players often topspin a chop played by a defender instead of chopping it back..Is there any specific reason.

Rubber Thickness for Attacking Players - 10:02

Preston: Hi Alois, I am a speed and attack player. and was wondering what thickness sponge you would recommend?

Thanks for the Tips - 11:22

Hi it's Alan back from yesterday and your tips really helped but unfortunately I didn't win against that guy. Anyway i almost beat him but i am still doing some mistakes like I am still attacking and I am using forehand on my backhand.

Improving Short Game with Flicks - 12:56

Ilya: I want to improve my short game. What should I learn first? A flat backhand flick, or a backhand topspin flick? And what are advantages of both?

Difficult Questions - 14:35

Viktor: Which has been your most difficult question to answer here?

Best Table Tennis Company - 15:45

Haroon: Who is the best company for table tennis?

Defender or Attacker - 17:35

Haroon: How do i know if i'm a defender of a attacker?

PingSkills Touch - 19:43

Haroon: What bat do you always use especially the one you have with you there?

Competition Winner - 20:22

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on improving the show

#PQOTD - 23:34

What segments should we include on the ask the coach show?

How did PingSkills Start? - 24:57

How did ping skills start and how did you two meet?

Links in this Episode

German Open


First Question

Second Question

Third Question

First Real Question

Backhand Flick