10 years ago
What has been your favourite question in the show so far?
The draw for the German Open has been released
Yash: I see players often topspin a chop played by a defender instead of chopping it back..Is there any specific reason.
Preston: Hi Alois, I am a speed and attack player. and was wondering what thickness sponge you would recommend?
Hi it's Alan back from yesterday and your tips really helped but unfortunately I didn't win against that guy. Anyway i almost beat him but i am still doing some mistakes like I am still attacking and I am using forehand on my backhand.
Ilya: I want to improve my short game. What should I learn first? A flat backhand flick, or a backhand topspin flick? And what are advantages of both?
Viktor: Which has been your most difficult question to answer here?
Haroon: Who is the best company for table tennis?
Haroon: How do i know if i'm a defender of a attacker?
Haroon: What bat do you always use especially the one you have with you there?
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on improving the show
What segments should we include on the ask the coach show?
How did ping skills start and how did you two meet?