10 years ago
What segments should we include on the ask the coach show?
We talk about some interesting results from the German Open
Is the rest of the World catching up to China?
Viktor: Hahahaha I couldn't stop laugh when Alois couldn't say Omonoiadam. Do you guys get paid by money when you learn and coach people on YouTube?
Preston: I have noticed that when i hit the ball around the outside of my racket it has a slightly fainter sound then on the inside. Is this normal?
Ali: When I want to play BH counter hit or topspins I contact the ball so early that it doesn't have any accuracy and most of the balls go into the net or out of the table.
Yunge: I want to find out how to do a pendulum and a reverse pendulum serve in pengrip. I tried searching on YouTube but it is always in shake hand.
Viktor: Where is the contact point to generate the most spin?