Ask The Coach Show #103 - Is Ma Lin’s Serve Legal?

10 years ago

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Yesterday’s #PQOTD - 0:59

What age did you start playing Table Tennis?

Player Spotlight - 3:56

Should we have a segment commenting on PingSkiller’s player profile or a top International player?

#PQOTD - 4:57

How do you prepare for an important match?

Tall Guy Update and Inspirational Story - 5:12

Viktor: I played with the Tall Guy again and I lost AGAIN!!!!!!!! .........Rare? It feels like I will never beat him :( He's too good for me.

Covering the table with Forehand - 7:08

Aatif: I am a strong fh player but I cant play backhand. When the ball comes to my backhand I go to play fh n lose my point !!! my backhand is weak. I need to improve it because I am selected for interschool under 14... please help

Sealing your blade - 9:23

Matt: I am just wondering how to "seal" my blade and what product is best to use, I have recently purchased a Stiga infinity vps blade, but later noticed reviews saying it is a good blade but it needs sealing as the outer veneer layers are weak.

Is Ma Lin’s serve legal? - 13:20 

Ismael: When you serve in a competitions are you allowed to do the Ma Lin serve? They told me that when you serve it needs to bounce on your side then the next bounce is at the other side of the table and then it can't bounce again on the other side.

Who Encouraged You To Play Table Tennis? - 16:50

Viktor: Was it you or your parents that said you could start TT?

Links in this Episode

Alois' amazing comeback using his forehand

How to execute the Ma Lin serve

Backhand counterhit


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