10 years ago
Would Waldner survive in the modern game?
Should Table Tennis players use a Tennis grip?
Is it better to block at the bounce of ball or at the peak of the bounce. I find that when I block at the bounce, it gives less reaction time to my opponent, but when I block at the peak I can control the block better against heavy topspins. Luke Woodley
How do you know when you need to calm down? Should you call a time out when you are ahead, behind, or both? Should you call a time out when you are about to lose a set, or wait for the set to be finished? Nicholas
I have been playing table tennis for 18 months and I have made it my life and my world. This is my last year in Under 15 category and I have 12 months remaining to practice. Pls advise how to practice and win. Aditya
Our tt hall is small and the table is dead so that when we go to play matches in the bigger hall, we cant manage the strokes, and the speed of ball. When we change from small to big hall, how can we manage the speed, spin of ball. Akash
What do you think about the rubber tenergy 80 fx compared to tenergy 80 in terms of spin and speed ? Thanks. Dat Pham
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