10 years ago
What has been your personal Table Tennis highlight of 2014?
What is your Table Tennis Goal for 2015?
Wang Hao's Career
Is it OK to stretch the rubber (inverted) when gluing it onto the blade? Jared
You can use sidetape that covers a lot of the edge of the racket. This will help a bit, but unfortunately a lot of the rubbers are fragile and will chip on the edges. Gary
My problem is that my techniques of forehand attacking a topspin and backspin ball interfere with each other. I try to play a lot 5th ball drills concentrating on switching between those two strokes and regulating the swing, can I do anything else? Ilia
One of my friends continuously hits to the backhand side then forehand side. This is becoming a big issue since he makes me quickly lose control and balance. How do I play against him so that he wont be able to place ball? Akash