10 years ago
Who will be number in the World in Mens and Womens at the end of 2015?
What is your favourite activity apart from Table Tennis?
Hey Pingskills, What is the best sort of bat and rubber you can buy? Brock
Which Training camp did you guys join first before you started make Pingskills videos? Brock
I put a second coat of sealer on the blade and then when i used free chack the glue was drying as fast as I spread it. It clumped up. I scraped the glue and tried putting more this time. When I put the rubber on the blade, the rubber is peeling off. John
I am a righthander, I do a backhand serve from the left side of the table with my left foot further away from the table. If I dont know the ball is coming short I stand parallel to the table and kind of fall over. I cant figure out the problem. Manuel
After they blocked my loop it touched the top of the net. When I touched it, because it has lots of topspin it went out. What should I do when the ball has topspin or underspin or sidespin and touches the net and bounces on my table. Long
I noticed while playing against someone, their drive would sometimes 'sink'. Is this behavior dependent on the intensity of spin or power? I usually see this done with topspin but can this be done with other spins? Waley
If I want to block a spin, should I do it slow or fast? Brock