10 years ago
Where do you play your Table Tennis most? Work, School, Club?
Is there anything that you aren’t sure about with the service rule?
I thought it was only necessary that the ball be tossed and hit from behind the table line. I did not think it was necessary for my body to be behind the line as well. Which is it? James
How can i improve my defence? Yazid
I see that many players stay very low while serving, for example Timo Boll. What is the technical reason behind that? Does it improve the quality of serve in some way? I like to toss the ball high, it is awkward to stay low. Abhinav
Hi Alois, how to do the sidebackspin serve and can i stand a littleaway from the table (like 30 cm or something like that)when serving. John
What is your favorite move/ skill in table tennis? is it loop or smash or what is it? Brock
Ready Position After Pendulum Serve