10 years ago
Where will Portugal be ranked at the end of 2015?
Have you played in a tournament? If so what were your experiences at your first tournament?
How do you do the spiniest serve so people cant return the ball on the table? Abdul
How can I block a low heavy backspin, would a backhand push be good or have you any other ideas? Brock
Which table tennis brand do you think is the best?
How do you practice to not miss shots in sessions an how to lower your fear when playing in tournaments and how to play backhands like the pros? Abdul
Tam: Hi Alois, I'm left handed and I'm having trouble with hitting wide shots is there a way I could improve this?
Ilia: I use the pendulum and the reverse pendulum services in my play. I'm also a very forehand oriented player. My rivals often return my services with backspin to my backhand to force me to pivot. How can I "enforce" the service return to my forehand?
Abdullah: Is there a certain technique to multiball? My brother and I have tried it, but it ends up making a very awkward arc could you help us?
Dakota: I have been thinking of looking for more control in my game. Should I simply drop my thickness from MAX down to maybe 1.8 and keep using Vega Pro or try a different slower rubber that has better control, but use MAX to retain spin?
How can i improve my table tennis reflexes?
Forehand Topspin against Backspin