Ask The Coach Show #90 - Best Penholder Ever

10 years ago

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Yesterday’s #PQOTD - 1:22

What playing conditions make a difference for you? Floors, lights, table?

#PQOTD - 4:03

Which player do you want to play like?

ITTF Legends Tour 2015 - 4:30

The winners, the losers, and the different styles as people age.

Waldner Loses in the Semi-final - 6:48

Brock: I watched the Legend Tour yesterday and Waldner lost in the semi-final but I thought he would win this time. Did you notice some things he forgot to do or think about that made him lose?

Fast Blade Slow Rubber - 7:42

Sam: I was thinking whether I could mix a fast blade with slow rubbers, as the next bat I get will probably be customised. This means that you could start with slow rubbers then when you want faster rubbers you can keep and save money on the Blade?

Small Table - 9:50

Akash: If we play table tennis on a small tt table, is it helpful for us or not?  What is the advantages and disadvantages.

Serve Etiquette - 11:55

Thomas: Recently I played with someone with a lot of experience and my soft short pendulum serve won me some points, and he criticized this serve and the points won by it. I wonder if there is an unwritten rule that you are not supposed to serve like this.

Best Penholder Ever - 13:23

Peerawit: Who is the best penhold player ever?

Best Chinese Player Ever - 15:10

Bhaswar: Who is the best Chinese table tennis player ever?

The Best Bat - 16:36

Kunaljeet: What's the best table tennis bat?

Popularity - 18:16

Brock: How can table tennis be that popular a sport?

Winds - 21:02

Haroon: Do you have any tips for playing in high amounts of wind?

Robots - 22:37

Brock: How helpful is a robot?

Links in this Episode

Stellan Bengtsson Vs Chuang* Tse-tung

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Ding Ning Off The Table

ITTF Legends Tour