10 years ago
What playing conditions make a difference for you? Floors, lights, table?
Which player do you want to play like?
The winners, the losers, and the different styles as people age.
Brock: I watched the Legend Tour yesterday and Waldner lost in the semi-final but I thought he would win this time. Did you notice some things he forgot to do or think about that made him lose?
Sam: I was thinking whether I could mix a fast blade with slow rubbers, as the next bat I get will probably be customised. This means that you could start with slow rubbers then when you want faster rubbers you can keep and save money on the Blade?
Akash: If we play table tennis on a small tt table, is it helpful for us or not? What is the advantages and disadvantages.
Thomas: Recently I played with someone with a lot of experience and my soft short pendulum serve won me some points, and he criticized this serve and the points won by it. I wonder if there is an unwritten rule that you are not supposed to serve like this.
Peerawit: Who is the best penhold player ever?
Bhaswar: Who is the best Chinese table tennis player ever?
Kunaljeet: What's the best table tennis bat?
Brock: How can table tennis be that popular a sport?
Haroon: Do you have any tips for playing in high amounts of wind?
Brock: How helpful is a robot?
Stellan Bengtsson Vs Chuang* Tse-tung