Ask The Coach Show #91 - Short Pimples

10 years ago

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Previous #PQOTD - 2:02

Which player do you want to play like?

#PQOTD - 3:38

When is the strangest time you have trained or played Table Tennis?

World Rankings Discussion - 3:55

Ma Long new No 1 in the World

Best Short Pimple Players - 6:39

Michael: I was wondering which players in the top 100 use short pimples on their forehand. I am thinking of offensive players like Wang Zeng Yi. 

Preparing Against Funny Rubber - 9:02

Dieter: Last Friday I played inter-club and lost against 2 short pimple players around 1100 ELO and a anti-power player of 800. I'm 750 myself. I beat a 900 player with regular bat. In our club we don't have players with strange rubbers. How to train for that?

Favourite Match - 10:39

Brock: Which is your favourite match of all time?

Wrong Footed - 12:02

Trevor: How can I avoid or improve being wrong-footed when my opponent goes for a smash/ finishing shot?

Angle for Forehand Topspin - 13:39

Bhaswar: While practising the forehand strokes i am not always able to find the right combination of bat angle and bat speed , and so the ball ends up hitting the net or flying out of the table.What should i do?

Forehand Sidespin Flick - 16:55

Mahammed: Is there something such as a sidespin forehand flick and if there is, can penholders do it?

Aggressive Attackers - 19:01

Brock: Do you know a tip against an aggressive attacker?

Sponge Thickness for Learning - 20:04

Martinand: Hello coach, I suppose that the sponge is very important to do and to learn topspin, my question what thickness, 2 mm or less the sponge hard or not hard?

First Tournament - 21:06

Thomas: I am entering my first tournament and I have an ittf approved bat, but I was wondering about shoes and what to wear. Do the shoes have to be specifically table tennis shoes. Also are there any other requirements that most people don't know about?

Short Pimple Serves - 24:05 

Naveesha: What are the best services for a player using a pimple rubber?

Links in this Episode

Consistency Chart

Forehand Topspin Against Block

Forehand Topspin Bat Angle

What to Expect at a Tournament

World Rankings