10 years ago
When is the strangest time you have played or trained Table Tennis?
Is Fan Zhendong the best Under 18 player ever?
Is it disrespectful to call the game Ping Pong?
Brock: I haven't played with the tall guy in a week now and i think I need more practise so I can beat him next time so i think i will practise for 3 more weeks then face him or do I need more time to practise?
Jasper: I played a very fast blocker who was very good in placin the ball on the table. I lost 3-0. What are some good tips to win against this type of player?
Lukas: If I were to buy the Mark V rubber, which type would be best for Offensive - ? The normal Mark V, or the Mark V GPS? The GPS is a little softer.
Brock - When the ball is long do you prefer the forehand topspin or forehand chop?
Morgen: Do you have tips on the forehand slice? I play this stroke all the time it comes as a good stroke for me in matches.
Sam: After watching countless matches, I can see that practically all the players bounce the ball on the table a few times before they serve. They also bounce it on their racket sometimes. Obviously this must be allowed but what is the point in doing it?
Konstantin: How to do a very short serve? I try but it becomes too easy for my opponent.
Match Strategy Playing a Blocker