Ask The Coach Show #92 - How to Serve Short

10 years ago

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Yesterday’s #PQOTD - 1:55

When is the strangest time you have played or trained Table Tennis?

#PQOTD - 3:32

Is Fan Zhendong the best Under 18 player ever?

Ping Pong or Table Tennis? 3:53

Is it disrespectful to call the game Ping Pong?

Tall Guy - 7:00

Brock: I haven't played with the tall guy in a week now and i think I need more practise so I can beat him next time so i think i will practise for 3 more weeks then face him or do I need more time to practise?

Tactics Against a Blocker - 7:44

Jasper: I played a very fast blocker who was very good in placin the ball on the table. I lost 3-0. What are some good tips to win against this type of player?

What Type of Mark V? 9:50

Lukas: If I were to buy the Mark V rubber, which type would be best for Offensive - ? The normal Mark V, or the Mark V GPS? The GPS is a little softer.

Topspin or Chop? 11:00

Brock - When the ball is long do you prefer the forehand topspin or forehand chop?

Forehand Slice - 13:22

Morgen: Do you have tips on the forehand slice? I play this stroke all the time it comes as a good stroke for me in matches.

Bouncing the Ball - 15:20

Sam: After watching countless matches, I can see that practically all the players bounce the ball on the table a few times before they serve. They also bounce it on their racket sometimes. Obviously this must be allowed but what is the point in doing it?

Serving Short - 17:55

Konstantin: How to do a very short serve? I try but it becomes too easy for my opponent.

Links in this Episode

Match Strategy Playing a Blocker

Pre-point Routine

Forehand Push

Learning To Spin