Ask The Coach Show #94 - Good Days Will Come

10 years ago

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Yesterday’s #PQOTD - 1:02

After winning the German National championships, can Timo Boll win the World title?

#PQOTD - 3:02

What will you be doing for World Table Tennis Day on April 6th?

Defensive Stroke Selection - 4:27

Johan: Why do offensive players seem to prefer to lob rather than chop when they're forced to defend?

Australian Sun - 6:08

Dieter: Are you guys genetically good humoured to be so cheerful in the morning or is it the Australian sun?

Contact Points - 6:58

Andrew: I notice when I practice my forehand the ball marks on the bat are closer to and below the handle, where should I be making contact on the bat? Should it be more in the middle of the bat or say on the trailing edge or leading edge of the bat?

Tournament Preparation - 10:02

Lukas: My club is arranging a tournament in April. It's from 8am to 8pm, two days in a row. Any tips on how to prepare for this tournament?

Performing Consistently - 12:46

Roman: When I start my first match against the strongest opponent I often win the match without any troubles. But in the next games when I play against lower rated players I can't focus anymore. Any ideas for my mental misery?

Downloading to iPhone - 17:34

Ashok: How can I download the videos on to my iPhone?

Blocking Heavy Topspin Away From the Table - 19:07

Sarang: How to block a heavy topspin if your about 1m away from the table? I find it difficult to block it and it always goes out of the table as I couldn’t control it.

Good Days Will Come - 22:28

Daniel: Man, I went to the club last night and got my butt kicked! Last week I felt better. Do players go through these streaks? Cold and hot? Is it normal to have good days an bad days?

Links in this Episode

World Table Tennis Day


PingSkills 52 Week Training Plan