Ask The Coach Show #99 - Forehand Finish Position

10 years ago

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German Open - 1:16

Alois and Jeff discuss the German Open

Yesterday’s #PQOTD - 4:10

How do you watch the World’s best Table Tennis players?

#PQOTD - 5:20

What has been your favourite question in the Shows so far?

Best Defender - 5:50

Antonio: Who is the better in defender? Koji Matsushita or Joo Se Hyuk?

Chop Block - 6:46

Georgeta: How to execute (if any) a block cut with backhand.? I know how to do a block cut with the running forehand, but I've never managed to do the same thing with the backhand. By the way, I don't know if this is the correct name for the hit.

Flared or Straight Handle? - 9:35

Eduardo: I’ve been training my backhand to change my orientation to the table. Most people say that flared handle is better for forehand, i use straight handle to improve my backhand technique. Is it viable to change or should I stay with straight handle?

Finishing Position - 12:03

Georges: My coach told me that I was finishing too high. I got a bit confused since I had been doing just what I had seen in your video. So I decided to keep on finishing high at my eyebrow. The coach kept saying finish lower. What should I do?

Bat for an Intermediate Player - 14:09

David: What bat do you suggest for an intermediate who has a powerful forehand topspin and quite a lot of spin

Tactics Against an Aggressive Player - 15:59

Alan: Alan: I am a amateur and I am almost best in my club but I am struggling to beat one player.He is very aggressive and I am also very aggressive ,but my dad says to me that i should be more defensive but i still lose do you have any tips?

Tall Guy Update - 18:12

Viktor (aka Brock): i forgot to say that I lost again against the tall guy, so boring that I can't beat him :(

German Open Predictions - 18:59

Viktor: Who do you think will win German Open?

Advice When Club is Far Away - 19:24

Hi, i am a semi beginner and i want to play a lot more, but sadly the nearest club is 45 minutes away. Any suggestions of what i should do?

Recommended Serves - 20:58

David: I use the tomahawk serve but am looking for a variety of serves what do you recommend?

Links in this Episode


Previous Ask the Coach Show Blogs

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Forehand Counterhit

Advanced Forehand Topspin

Chop Block with Long Pimples

Kenta Matsudaira's Sidespin Block

Serving Secrets

Practicing Alone