10 years ago
Alois and Jeff discuss the German Open
How do you watch the World’s best Table Tennis players?
What has been your favourite question in the Shows so far?
Antonio: Who is the better in defender? Koji Matsushita or Joo Se Hyuk?
Georgeta: How to execute (if any) a block cut with backhand.? I know how to do a block cut with the running forehand, but I've never managed to do the same thing with the backhand. By the way, I don't know if this is the correct name for the hit.
Eduardo: I’ve been training my backhand to change my orientation to the table. Most people say that flared handle is better for forehand, i use straight handle to improve my backhand technique. Is it viable to change or should I stay with straight handle?
Georges: My coach told me that I was finishing too high. I got a bit confused since I had been doing just what I had seen in your video. So I decided to keep on finishing high at my eyebrow. The coach kept saying finish lower. What should I do?
David: What bat do you suggest for an intermediate who has a powerful forehand topspin and quite a lot of spin
Alan: Alan: I am a amateur and I am almost best in my club but I am struggling to beat one player.He is very aggressive and I am also very aggressive ,but my dad says to me that i should be more defensive but i still lose do you have any tips?
Viktor (aka Brock): i forgot to say that I lost again against the tall guy, so boring that I can't beat him :(
Viktor: Who do you think will win German Open?
Hi, i am a semi beginner and i want to play a lot more, but sadly the nearest club is 45 minutes away. Any suggestions of what i should do?
David: I use the tomahawk serve but am looking for a variety of serves what do you recommend?
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