9 years ago
Ma Long is Unstoppable
Who will win the China Open Men’s and Women’s singles?
Do you Boost?
Should the service rule be changed?
Ilia: Footwork drills that I've seen so far focus solely on lateral movement. But sometimes an attacking player needs to move in and out. What are the best drills to practice this movement with attacking strokes?
David: When performing a serve are you trying to make it with the maximum speed you’re able to produce with your arm +wrist or are you holding back since its not really worth it risk reward wise? I'm still learning and if I try to go really fast I miss.
Mike: I really enjoy your website and the lessons. Thank you for helping me become a better player. I have a very inexpensive table and inexpensive robot. Which should I upgrade first? Should I buy a new robot (cost about $600) or table ($600).
Chris: I've spent about $250 for a Butterfly Innerforce ZLF blade. I've used it for almost a year now. I was now curious. After spending so much on a blade is there any significance or significant difference with the newer blades? Any tips on maintenance?
Loong: I haven't played table tennis for 3-4 months, do you have a training method for me to recovery?
PingPod #42 - Change the Service Rule