9 years ago
Carl Benz
Backhand, Backhand Footwork
Marcin: For the Backhand Sidespin flick I noticed that straightening up my body, instead of staying low works better. I get better results in consistency. Should I experiment with it more or leave it and keep staying low during this stroke?
What is the hardest shot in Table Tennis?
In which decade was Table Tennis more watchable... 1950s, 1970s, 1990s or now?
Mike: Hi guys! Thanks for the side under return info, I will try it. Here is another, my opponent attempts a slower loop, he hits the net a lot, I have time to hit the ball but with all that spin, it causes an error. How can I return that freakish shot? :)
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Ilia: Suppose that I find a plan that works greatly against the opponent and win a game with it. But in the middle of the next game, he adjusts, and I feel lost and anxious & don't know what to do. How to handle this from the mental point of view?
Eugene: An umpire will check your bat before a match. If there is some damage they will ask you to change it. Why is this in the rules? Do you think the rule should be changed?
Martinand: is it possible to post photos of different grip?
Ittipat: Is it true that every time I do forehand or backhand counter hit, I should add some top spin into it? My coach said my backhand counter hit lacks power and control. Please help