9 years ago
Multiball or Robot Drill - One short push where you push it back and then one long push where you make a topspin.
How do you overcome bad form?
Who would win in a game of table tennis? Forrest Gump or Bruce Lee?
Thanks to PingSkiller Johan for today's question.
The day the music died
Mike: Hi guys! When I'm looping with my forehand (I'm a lefty), I try to relax my arm for a better swing but sometimes, I loose my form along the way either my elbow or wrist goes out of whack. How do I find the correct medium so I don't loose form?
Viktor: Who would win? Ma Long v Jan Ove Waldner in early 20's ?
Viktor: Is it possible that you could start study Swedish? If so that would be cool :D I know you've passed school a long long long time a go but you please study and learn speak Swedish? PLEASE ALOIS AND JEFF :D
Tam: Hi Alois, when I do a sidespin backspin serve to my opponent's forehand they push long into my backhand (im a lefty) and I always spin with my backhand into the net is the pivot better in this situation? and how do you know when to play a pivot?
Arjan: Lately it seems as if my service return gets significantly worse when playing in doubles. I completely miss the ball off to the side or constantly feed them into the net and I ask myself why, why do I stumble even against easy serves?
Abhinav: I think Samsonov troubled Timo with his fast long serve into Timo's backhand throughout the match. What would you do if someone continues to trouble you in one particular spot?
Viktor: You spoke well Alois, Keep practise and next time I want to hear Jeff ;)
Viktor: How is it going with the cubes? Or is it too difficult ;)