Show #230 - World Championships Starts

9 years ago

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Tournament Wrap - 1:20

World Teams Championships

Discussion - 3:19

Skill Learning challenges

This Day in History - 8:25

Happy Birthday Trevor Hirth and Barry Griffiths

Last #PQOTD - 10:20

Which 3 women out of their 5 players will China use for the final of the World Team's championships? Out of Li Xiaoxia, Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen, Chen Meng and Zhu Yuling.

#PQOTD - 11:46

Which 3 men out of their 5 players will China use for the final of the World Team's championships? Out of MA Long, FAN Zhendong, XU Xin, ZHANG Jike and FANG Bo.

Keeping New Members - 13:36

Ilia: I often notice that beginners come to our club a few times and never come back then. How to encourage them to stay? And how can we attract more players in the weekly league?

Being Good - 16:50

Tech N' More: How are you two so good at ping pong?

Best Bat for Beginners - 17:32

Tech N' More: I just started playing table tennis. What kind of paddle do you think I should get? I want to stick to the basic shots but some advanced ones.

Beginner Using the PingSkills Website - 18:58

Van: I am a beginner. I want to improve myself using this site. I do not know which training clip is best for starting and what is step by step. Thanks for your support.

Preparing for a Tournament - 20:22

Matt: Can you give me some tips on preparing for an upcoming tournament that will take place for several hours. Some of the things I am thinking about is nutrition before and during, as well as cardio preparation and on table drills for the week before?

Playing a Left Hander - 23:02

Alexander: I lose against a left-handed player who improved his forehand topspin and does fast side spin balls to my mid table and I can't block them because I am not used to it. What is a general recommendation against left-handed attackers?

Big Fan - 25:14

Hi, I'm a Brasilian fan.

Main Source of Income - 25:28

Tech N' More: What is your main source of Income? Your website or your Youtube Channel?(Both are Great!)

Editing Videos - 26:12

Tech N' More: What do you use to edit your videos?

Forehand Flick Footwork - 26:55

TheAtersidus: Big fan ping skills, I have noticed many videos of professional players making forehand flicks off of one leg. However during most tutorials I found (including yours) both feet are firmly planted on the ground. Why is there a difference?

Links in this Episode

Ben Larcombe & The Power of Practice

Marcos Freitas Table Tennis Skills - for the competition choose from hitting the ball against the side of the table and the spin catcher

itTV - Watch the World Championships

ITTF World Championships

What to Expect at a Tournament

Ask the Coach Show #85 - How to Run a Successful Club

Forehand Flick

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Strokes & Techniques Page - The perfect place to begin your journey on PingSkills.