9 years ago
An update on the progress of Alois, Jeff, and other PingSkillers
Which team are you supporting at the World Championships?
An update on recent results
Can Timo Boll win another Open event?
On Table Warm Up
Dr. Seuss
Ilia: In practice I play full swings that create good spin and safety, even in random and match-like drills. But in a tournament, when I make a few mistakes in a row, I tend to "play it safe" by shortening my strokes. It drops spin and safety. How to address it?
Spamm20: What to do with a long and higher ball with backspin?I sometimes end up with my enemy pushing it very long and high when i dont expect it, and sometimes its so high that i cant use a forhand topspin or a push but also too low to smash.What to do?
Viktor: I am trying to learn the ''jan Ove Waldner's trademark serve'' so I am starting off to serve under my arm to get the swing correct but when I try to do the same without swing under my arm but I just miss or hit the table or even it bounce 1 time, help :(
Hatem: Does the participation in tournaments help improving one's game?
Timmy: How can I deal with losing my motivation while I'm playing table tennis? I'm not very competitive, but I want to try to help this problem go away if I start playing competitively. Do you have any tips on how I can keep myself motivated?
Eugene: Why must we put the slow spinny topspin high over the net? Doesn't this just allow trouble that your opponents can attack you easier with the high ball.Why not put it low and spinny?
Viktor: How did Waldner get all kind of spin with his serve? His serve is basically only backspin on it? Isn't?
Spamm20: Is there any modern serve which uses topspin?
Smash or Topspin High Backspin Ball