9 years ago
Dealing with Backspin
Can Timo Boll win another Open event?
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Name the semifinalists in the Mens Teams at the World Championships.
The inventor of the telephone was born - Alexander Graham Bell
Yijan: Hi PingSkills I can't return a topspin with my backhand, I think it's because I have very uncontrollable rubber. Any tips?
Spamm20: I dont know why, but i have big problems with the backhand flick.Im trying to do it right ,but i always hit wrong so it goes in the net when it has backspin.What should i watch out for the most when i do a flick?
Leonardo: How can I stop the ball from hitting my fingers when I play? I doesn't happen often, but when it does it often loses me the point.
Hai: I have problem to return short spin serve especially on my forehand. Usually when I return, the ball goes everywhere out of the Ping-Pong table. How can I practice to return short spin serve for my forehand and backhand.
Rex: I play against a player who loves to do the side spin forehand slam and can't return them. Any help is appreciated.
Googler: Do you have any tips on how to use your serve to set up for kill shots? I have a hard time doing that.
Master Class on Dealing with Backspin
How to Choose a Table Tennis Bat