9 years ago
Alois discusses his 5 minute training session and how he felt tired and didn't think he made good progress.
If you are really tired, is it better to still put in a training session or is it better to have a day off?
Who has a better backhand Liam Pitchford or Zhang Jike?
Jerry Lewis was born, not to be confused with Jerry Lee Lewis :)
Choosing Drills how should you choose your drills? What type of drills should you choose in the off season.
Jamie: Why don't elite players use short pimples as it allows them to negate the extreme amount of topspin and smash the ball. I have seen other very good semi pro players with great technique beaten by other players with short pimples or hardhats.
Sk Verma: Whenever I do practice counter hit, I am not able to place ball to corner every time. I am trying it with flat bat position but as the ball goes away from me or close to chest I can't control the ball to the corner although ball is on the table.
Yap: My friends and I are very bad at blocking the ball accurately. Thus, it is very difficult for us to do the footwork drills. Can you help?