8 years ago
Bobby Charlton was asked how he thought the England team of 1966 would have fared against Iceland. Plus, a ham sandwich walks into a bar!
Have you ever tried playing Table Tennis outdoors and how was it?
Who is the best doubles partner you have ever had?
Viktor: I've decided to put Waldner #6 in the rankings if he were in his prime. What do you think? Did I put him in the right spot? I just don't think Waldner even in his prime wouldn't have a chance against our top 5.
Fesih: What is the the average speed of the ball (kmh) in the professional table tennis match?
Shaun: Is playing against medium pimples the same as playing against long pimples? If not what's the strategy for playing against medium pimples?
Divan: I would like to know the following- If my opponent hits the ball out past the table and I hit it back before it bounces and that ball is in. Does the play go on? Or do i get the point because my opponent hit it out first.