10,000 hours of practice?


jassy faz
jassy faz Asked 14 years ago

When does the 10,000 hours of practise start, from time i conciously started training or from the time i started playing table tennis couple of years ago?

Also a very interesting question that others would benifit from too, at your level do you have the 10,000 hours of training and if yes, how did you guys do it, and how much time did it take, how many hours did you practice in a day.

 I practice around 1 hour everyday now, and 2 hours of competetion table tennis games, is it good enough?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Shay,

When we talk about 10,000 hours, it is of concentrated play.

I think Jeff and I have clocked up our hours.  I did it by playing consistently for many years both in groups and training individually with different partners.

I trained at different levels during my playing time.  The most I trained consistently was 6 hours a day.  I don't think that was more beneficial than when I was training up to 4 hours a day.

How much time you spend depends always on how much time you have.  Just do what you can do. 

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