2 Rules Questions


Robert Kumza
Robert Kumza Asked 6 years ago

1.  Is it permissible (legal) to hit the ball on the fly (before it bounces)?  If I get very close to the net and I know the ball coming to me definitely will hit the table, can I legally hit it "on the fly" before it hits the table for my return shot?

2.  Is it legal to "throw" the ball off the bat?  Occasionally my wife can "catch" the ball on her bat, then "throw it".  The ball never makes a sound because it never "hits" the bat.  Is this kind of return shot legal? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Robert,

You have to let the ball bounce on your side of the table before you hit it.

Your wife must have some real talent.  Unfortunately you are not allowed to carry the ball and throw it.

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Table Tennis Rules Overview

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Thoughts on this question

Robert Kumza

Robert Kumza Posted 6 years ago

THANK YOU Alois for your very prompt reply.  

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