3rd ball play


Patrick Abad
Patrick Abad Asked 12 years ago


I will join a competition on Saturday and Sunday (feb. 9 and 10). my team and i tuned up with the other player yesterday. I got a problem on my third ball attack. They return my serve with a heavy chop and i cant loop it. what kind of spin in serve will make the ball go up when chopped? so that i can easily make my 3rd ball attack.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Patrick,

If you can vary your serve between backspin and less spin or no spin you may be able to get them to hit the less spins serves higher that will get the ball higher for you.

For Premium members we also have a lesson on Third Ball Tips in our Master Classes.

You could also try a topspin serve sometimes.  If they don't pick the topspin the return will come up higher.

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