Alois and Jeff! Question for you guys!
What are your preferences between the 40mm ball rule vs the old 38mm? Any pros and cons about playing with them (spin, speed, rallies, etc.)?
I asked this on a YouTube video, but I'm interested to hear the differences. :] And which ball did you like to play with more?
Hi Ryan,
I don't think there is much of a difference at all. I only played competitively with the 38mm ball. The bigger ball probably travels a little slower but I don;t think it has made a noticeable difference to the game.
There's is an old saying about guitar playing - tone is in your fingers. And If you've ever seen a really good guitarist play an old guitar then you'll understand how true that saying is. I know we go on a lot about this topic but it is so true. Once you've got yourself a decent bat, it's no longer up to the equipment, it's up to YOU!
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Jason Smith Posted 13 years ago
Marcin Lonak Posted 8 years ago
I had yesterday two matches with the old ball. It was a quality 3star never used Joola. The feeling was amazing. I did like it a lot. I would say, what Jason says is all true. Plus I had less difficulties with placement. Although the curves made because of the spin of the ball are not that spectacular technically the spin is stronger/faster. The game looked really elegant. And although the ball is visibly smaller, I had really less difficulties to follow the ball all the time.
Marcin Lonak Posted 8 years ago
Sorry, a thought mistake. Actually, the spin on the bigger ball is stronger. That's makes sense that the curves are heavier. Also the effect of the spin of the bigger balls is stronger.
i was just influenced by Jason's post.
explanation is easy. By using the same brushing speed with the racket, we generate same speed of spin. Though the bigger ball with the same rate of spinning has a stronger spin cause the distance a spot on the ball has to travel is greater.
Marcin Lonak Posted 8 years ago
Finally, it's too early in the morning.
i think the spin is the same. The rate of the spin of the smaller ball is higher but the effect should be the same because of the same distance the ball would make with the spinning. I think slightly in favor to the bigger ball. This has a little more mass, so the spin should feel for the receiver stronger.