4th ball blocking

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 11 years ago

Cristh Garrido

Cristh Garrido Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois and Pingskills

Today in training we make an exercise, my partner serve, i push, he hits the ball with a topspin to anywhere of the table and i block this. I could see that in this situation i lost a lot of points, because a have a bad reception and my opponents attack this ball very easy. My coach said that when we push the ball, we must adopt a defensive position of block in the middle of the table, but if i do this i can't react to the speed of the ball, then i push (generally too high) and i take distance of the table to try hit the ball.

My question is...what i can do to get better my reception? the push must wants the corners of the table or the middle?  i am trying with the metod of my coach...how i can better my capacity of reaction?

Please Help


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Cristh,

This is a good drill to do but it is difficult for the receiver because you are being attacked with a topspin and the server knows beforehand that they will get the opportunity to attack.  Their attack will be stronger than in a game because they have that prior knowledge.

As your coach says after you push get into a position where you know you can block on both sides.  Watch the ball carefully after your push so that you can get the best information as to where the next ball will come.  Be prepared for it to come on both sides.  Often we favour one side that we would like the ball to come to.  By just watching the ball you will have a better reaction time to the block.

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Cristh Garrido

Cristh Garrido Posted 11 years ago

THANKS a lot Alois

Cristh Garrido

Cristh Garrido Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois

i was thinking about it drill but in a game...if i play against an offensive player (almost everybody) they will try attack all the balls, then i am in disanvantage, because i am in a defensive position...is that right or no???

Besides you tell me that i must adopt a position where i know that i can hit the ball, but always in a block position or i can adopt a position to lob the ball????


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Cristh,

You shouldn't aim to get back from the table to lob.  If you see the ball has gone long and they will get the opportunity to attack then try to stay as close to the table as you feel comfortable with.  A block is a much better option than a lob.

Cristh Garrido

Cristh Garrido Posted 11 years ago

Thank you so much Alois

Cristh Garrido

Cristh Garrido Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois

again sorry for my english, but i wanted to ask you, how i can know wich is the right defensive position??do you have some excersices(out of the table) to get in better the defensive position??

Again Thanks

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Cristh,

It is something that will come with experience.  Think about putting yourself in the middle of the possible angles that they can get.  So think about the widest angle they can get to the forehand side and the widest angle they can get to the backhand side and then put yourself in the middle of that.

Cristh Garrido

Cristh Garrido Posted 11 years ago

ok thank you alois

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