729 Li Kuang Tsu Sweet spot transformer


AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira
AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Asked 12 years ago


i bought this blade called 729 Li Kuang Tsu Sweet Spot Transformer Zebra Carbon

it comes with an instruction manual and a key of some sort.  When you insert the key at the handle and turn it clockwise the blade slows down and vice versa.

When i asked the store manager on how does it work or whats the logic behind it he doesnt know.  When me and my friends tried it, it really does what it says it can be changed from off+ to all.  I'm just curios on how it works

May b you can tell me

thx coach :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Amekun,

The change in the weight balance makes the blade more top heavy.  It will change the feel of the blade a little for you.  When it is more top heavy it will feel like it will be faster.

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AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Posted 12 years ago

thx coach :)

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