Adding more spin to serve


Hao Jun
Hao Jun Asked 8 years ago

Hi, I am having the problem of adding more sidespin or backspin to either my pendulum serve or reverse pendulum serve or the backhand serve or the reverse tomahawk serve, and the only serve where I can have the most sidespin is the tomahawk serve.

I tried brushing the ball as finely as i can and also flicking my wrist as fast as i can, however, I am still unable to generate lots of sidespin and backspin in this 4 serve.

Also, do you keep the tomahawk serve and the reverse one low by squatting down?

(I use a pre-made bat with stiga S2 rubbers) Thanks! 

I would like to ask how do you add more spin to the ZJK serve(both) and also keep it low and short? thanks!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Hao,

The principles for all the serves are the same.  Try to relate to the contact you are getting with the Tomahawk when you are getting more spin.  As you relate to the feeling see if you can copy that.

You are right to focus on the contact and then faster contact.

You can also focus on the contact point on your racket.  If you can get the contact near the end of your racket you may find it will make a difference.

Zhang Jike's serve is the same as well, brush it fast like he does.

If you can stay lower on the Tomahawk serve it will help to keep it low because you will hit the ball from lower as well.

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Pendulum Serve

The pendulum serve is the most popular serve in all of Table Tennis. In this lesson we teach you the important principles and how to vary the serve between backspin, sidespin and topspin.

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