Adjusting RPB in your game


Nikhil Bathla
Nikhil Bathla Asked 12 years ago

i am now able to do rpb drill but i am not able to use rpb in matches because of fear of losing the rally. how can i overcome this problem 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Nikhil,

Well done.   You are part of the way to developing your RPB.  This is a path that everyone learning a skill takes.  FIrst you will struggle with the technique.  Then you will learn the technique and be bale to play it in a controlled situation where the ball is fed to you.  Then you may be able to use it in a practice match situation.  Then you will progress to being able to use it is a real match situation.  FInally you will progress to a level where you will feel confident to use it in a close situation in an important match.

As you can see you are part way there.  You have done a lot of the hard work, now it is getting more experience with it and progressing through the stages of learning.

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Thoughts on this question

Sourav Mehra

Sourav Mehra Posted 12 years ago

what is rpb?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Sorry... Reverse Penhold Backhand.  It is the backhand that the penhold players play using the reverse side of their bats.

mat huang

mat huang Posted 12 years ago

Keep training and traing and training and you'll get their.

Nikhil Bathla

Nikhil Bathla Posted 12 years ago


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