I have recently changed to my new equipment, from a premade racket to a custom one
equipment DHS H3 neo forehand, TIBHAR el-s backhand, DHS PG7 blade
I often find it difficult to control the ball away from the table as the ball goes off the table when in a counter loop rally. What adjustment should I do in my counter loop, spin it more or just lob?
Hi Tejas,
Start by hitting the ball slower and keeping the ball on the table. Slow it down to a level where you can do this, even is the ball is really slow. Still play the stroke correctly rather than trying to lob.
As you develop the feel for the speed of the bat you can start to speed the ball up slightly. You will find in actual fact the adjustments to the angle of the bat is very slight.
The thickness of a table tennis table is the most important aspect of a table to ensure you get a true consistent bounce. Other things to consider are the net, portability, and storage space.
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