Hi do you know if wearing multifocal glasses help you see the ball better than with contact lenses? If so do you know what brand and type are best for table tennis?
Hi Tanya,
I don't have experience with this but I am sure there are players out there that have experimented with them and can help you out.
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eduardo espinosa Posted 11 years ago
Hello, Tanya. I have to wear multifocals regularly and I find them terrible for table tennis. I have never used contacts so it's impossible for me to tell the difference. My "solution" was to compromise. I asked my doctor to prescribe a pair of glasses for me that are not multifocal but instead to have the best focus possible for a distance of about 9 to 12 feet (all lenses have some allowance) So now, before I go to the club to play I put away my multifocals and start wearing my "ping-pong" glasses a while before starting to play in order to get used to them. I can't read w/. them but I can play fairly well. I chose that distance because for me the most important issue is to read the spin of my opponent. It would help if they are "frameless"in order to have the least interference when you are following the ball on the limit of the lenses. I hope this may help you.
tanya honson Posted 11 years ago
Thanks i will consider this option :)
Nigel Fewster Posted 9 years ago
I am only recently a member of pingskills so this may be a little late for you. I have tried soft contact lens some years ago and found that they float in the eye when making dynamic movements. Balls go in and out of focus/ I definitely recommend glasses with vari focal lenses.
tanya honson Posted 9 years ago
Hi Nigel
Am always open to peoples opinions. I normally wear contacts for long distance but have only found problems with movement of them on the eyeball if they have been the wrong diameter for my eye. I have been trying Eduardos suggestion but have found my reading script has changed since wearing them as i bought a pair of reading glasses in addition to wearing magnifiers over my contacts and the script appeared incorrect in one eye? I keep wearing these contacts with a different shorter script in each eye for the rest of the day to be able to see long distance without having to put on magnifiers to read. I am not sure whether wearing these have been the cause of my eyesight worsening as I have not have a script change for many years except to having to have aid to read. I have not bought a pair of multifocal glasses at this stage. Thank you for your response.
eduardo espinosa Posted 9 years ago
Hello again, Tanya. Sorry Tanya. I meant wearing glasses alone. Without contact lenses because that is what I do, and only while I'm playing. Besides the prescription I use for my pim-pong glasses is almost the same as one of my Bifocal's ( the one used on the top )That's why I can't read with them.I am truly sorry I have brought you such an inconvenience.
D K Posted 9 years ago
I also wear glasses that are multifocal and many other things (for example they get dark while on sharp light)
But my eyes are too sensitive and the doctor recommended me to not wear contact lenses,because it caused pain in my eyes.
But I did not give up and I am still trying to train as hard as I can to overcome my extremely bad sight.
As a player who practises defense,I have to be able to catch even the fastest balls.
But because my 7 mm thick glasses do not allow me to see them,I a trying to overcome it with experience and speed.
I do not know any lenses or glasses that can repair my eye mistakes.
But I still do my best to overcome it
tanya honson Posted 9 years ago
Have you considered laser eye surgery? Are you a suitable candidate for this type of surgery? You can ask your optometrist. Sounds like your script is too high for contact lenses.
tanya honson Posted 9 years ago
DK what do you think of the multifocal glasses for table tennis? How have you found them?
D K Posted 9 years ago
Hi Tanya
I have never looked for any special glasses.
I just use my everyday glasses.
And I have considered laser eye surgery,but in my country this surgery can be done only to adults
And that surgery is too expensive for me.