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Rey Gomez
Rey Gomez Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois! I just fought in my first tournament and I won my first game. I'll be fighting again tomorrow. This time, I have an opponent who is really good. He has great topspin attacks and great pushes. His mistakes come rarely. His serves are fast sidespin serves, and "snake" serves. Any advice? I'm really nervous right now. By the way, my forehand rubber is a DHS Hurricane 2 and the backhand rubber is a 729 Lightning.  

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Rey,

Well done!  Good luck tomorrow.

If the player you play tomorrow serves long then you can topspin the returns.

Be ready for his long serves and be ready to topspin them back to him.  This will set you up for the rest of the rally.

Just focus on enjoying the contest and doing your best.

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