Alois' preferred serves


Rey Gomez
Rey Gomez Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois, I've been improving with all of the tips and videos you share with us. So, can I ask, what are the serves that you will use, against a player who likes to return with a push or a flick. And that player rarely uses loops against serves, he most likely returns with backspin on the ball. What kind of serve can I use against him? 

Also, what kind of return would you prefer against a long backspin serve?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Rey,

I like to do Pendulum backspin serves.  If they push it, they are likely to give me a ball to topspin.  It is a difficult ball for them to flick.  This is a play that I like to use.  However you need to think about the type of ball you want coming back.  If you want them to flick then you should serve more no spin or topspin balls.

Against a long backspin serve I like  them to push so that I get the first topspin attack.  However this is not a sound tactic as at the higher levels they are going to attack with their own topspin.

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