Around the net shot


farhoud Sixi
farhoud Sixi Asked 15 years ago

Hi coach, i wanted to know how to do an around the net shot, i guess its kinda like a forehand sidepin

 thx coach 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Pyro,

The first step is to get someone to hit the ball wide enough for you to do the shot.

You can get a bit of sidespin to curve it around a little more or if it is wide enough you can just hit a straight topspin.

It is a bit of a party trick.  Don't spend too much time on it.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Around the Net Forehand Topspin

You need to choose the right ball to attempt an around the net shot. Make sure it is wide enough and add some sidespin to your shot to get that extra curve that you may need.

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