Attacking Little to No-Spin shots


Mike Deubig
Mike Deubig Asked 6 years ago

Hi Coach! I recently played in a tournament where I almost pulled off one of the biggest upsets of the tournament. I was playing a more modern defender who was more backhand dominate than forehand. It was a tight match, we went to game 5 (best 3 out of 5) and I had too many unforced errors, mainly from trying to attack his little to no-spin returns. Had I been able to figure it out and executed it correctly, I would have won the match.   

I'll give you an example of what I mean. During one of our fast-paced rallies, he would eventually return one of the balls that kind of floated a bit, with a fairly high bounce (not always, sometimes it was lower) when I would try and hit it, the ball would fly off the table. Sometimes the same return would go to my backhand. Same result, off the table! So how can attack this type of return more effectively?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Mike,

The no spin chops can be tricky because you need to make a subtle adjustment.

The main thing I find is to really focus on spinning over the top of the ball.  The change from when there is backspin to no spin often gets the attacking player to hit the ball off the end, hardly ever into the net.  So even over adjust and hit right over the top of the ball.  Really focus on hitting forward.

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Thoughts on this question

Mike Deubig

Mike Deubig Posted 6 years ago

Thanks, Coach! It makes sense and it is tricky, I have seen other players make the same mistake even those who are way more advanced than me. I will begin experimenting with the new adjustment for those type of shots! 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

No problems.  Let me know how it goes.

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