Backhand counter topspin after a forehand topspin


Virgil Birch-Abban
Virgil Birch-Abban Asked 6 years ago

Hi pingskills,

I have a training partner who always pushes to my backhand and because I struggle to open up I have to turn round and forehand topspin and he always blocks to my wide forehand side after the open up. I don't struggle to receive this ball because I know where it'll be going. My problem is he then blocks to my backhand really fast, if I'm gonna receive the ball with my backhand should I do it in front of me or by my side?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Virgil,

Try to take that backhand as early as possible.  If you are struggling to get to the ball then you will need to take it later.

The other important thing is where you hit that wide forehand.  It is probably best to go wide cross court so that they can't get a wide angle back to your backhand.

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