Backhand Frisbee


thomas mcnamara
thomas mcnamara Asked 6 years ago

Hi Coach. Should I think of the backhand topspin as the same as a frisbee throw? I often rush or mistime the shot and only go forward with the wrist, so I don't have optimum spin and pace. You obviously wouldn't do that with a frisbee as it wouldn't go far without a proper backswing and wrist coil. So, is it correct to bend forward a bit and let the frisbee fly? Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Thomas,

This is one way to look at the backhand stroke.

I use this technique with some players and it can work well.

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Keeping The Ball Low With Opening Topspin

In this video, we discuss how to keep the ball low with opening topspin.

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