Backhand Loop


LeangHeng IT
LeangHeng IT Asked 12 years ago

Hi Coach,

My backhand is very weak inconsistent when I tried to counter to backspin ball!!! How do I improve backhand loop??? If there are basic ways practising without using a table or ball, this is good!!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi LeangHeng,

Before you get on the table you can watch your stroke in a mirror wihtout a ball and see if it looks correct.  Take a look a our lesson on the Backhand Loop Off Backspin and see if you are getting it right.  Then on the table you need to find a way to practice this one shot repetitively.  

A good way is with multiball.  Get someone to feed out the balls to you with backspin just to your backhand side and practice this stroke.  

Another way is if you serve, get your training partner to push the ball back to your backhand and then do the backhand loop.  After this shot stop the rally and repeat the process.  You should so this drill for around 10 minutes when you train. If you can do this consistently over a month you will find good improvement with this stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

LeangHeng IT

LeangHeng IT Posted 12 years ago

Thank you coach!!! It seems that my backhand has less power though I am strong. Or I don't know how to use my physical strength with the backhand??? Big thanks for any suggestions!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

To get more speed you need to contact the ball a little flatter and get the bat moving more forward to generate the extra speed. 

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