Backhand Loop on Backspin


Ryan Bhattacharya
Ryan Bhattacharya Asked 4 years ago

I have been hitting them with spin and power but a lot of them end up in the Net. If they pass, they are very hard to return as most of the players expect that the ball will rise.  How should I improve the technique.

Note: I drop a lot when I have to hit any backhand shot. Also, I am a Backhand Dominant Player. I prefer to move the ball on the left side of the table.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Ryan,

The lifting against backspin is a difficult stroke to start with but the rewards if getting it right are huge.

It sounds like you have the basics well already.  Play around with the trajectory of the stroke to keep the ball lower over the net while still maintaining the spin you are getting.  If you want more consistency than you are getting now then you may need to compromise on the speed of the shot.  Slow down a little.

Take a look at our tutorial on the Backhand Topspin Off Backspin for some more help.


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The backhand topspin is an attacking stroke that once mastered will win you lots of points. Try and learn this stroke alongside the forehand topspin.

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Thoughts on this question

Ryan Bhattacharya

Ryan Bhattacharya Posted 4 years ago

I have changed my racquet with one of partner. He is using a heavy racqeut. I noticed that all of them are going pretty well and deep. But not for my racquet. Does that effect on your stroke? If it does, do I need to increase the speed of my swing to get the same consistency.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

Hi Ryan,

You may have to adjust slightly but nothing that is too noticeable.  Allow yourself you adjust naturally.

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