Backhand serve


Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis Asked 13 years ago

Hi PingSkills,
I am a backhand server. I have been practising the forehand pendulum serve, but at the moment, can't get it right. So for games, I tend to stick with the backhand serve. Could you tell me how I could add some subtle variation to the serve? At the moment, it is just a short, tight backspin serve. In the first end, I win a lot of points from it because it is quite heavy spin, but after that, it simply seems to be a rally starter. I have a no spin serve that looks similar to the backspin serve, but other than that, there is no way to change the spin without it being totally obvious what is on it. Obviously that is the advantage of having a pendulum serve, the variations in spin are easier to disguise, but is there anything I can do to get some more disguised variations on a backhand serve?
Thanks very much 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Simon,

You certainly can.

The backhand serve movement is also a pendulum motion.  You start by going down and finish coming up and across your body.  If you hit the ball a little later in your swing you will get topspin because the bat is moving upwards.

Give this a try.

In our DVD, Serving Secrets Revealed you will be shown in detail how to do the backhand serve with lots of variations. 

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Placement

The exact same serve placed to a different spot on the table can be much more difficult for your opponent to return.

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