Backhand smash


Julio Torres
Julio Torres Asked 12 years ago

When I have a high ball to smash on my backhand side, I always try to move to smash it with my forehand but sometimes the time is not enought. When I smash the ball with my backhand it is difficult for my opponent to counter because it comes with a lot of sidespin...But the problem is that it is not effective, and to much times I fail. What can I do to get a better backhand smash?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Julio,

I think you should still make the effort to get around and make the forehand smash as often as possible.  If the ball is not in a comfortable place to make a strong backhand even if it is high, you can place the ball better and not try to hit the ball too hard.

To attempt the Backhand Smash you need to get your bat up high to start with and contact the ball really flat.  Make contact at around shoulder height.  Allow your wrist to flow through the shot naturally.  It is a difficult shot though so it will need a lot of practice during training time.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Increase the Power of Your Smash

Once you've learnt the basics of the forehand smash, the next step is to increase your power. Watch this video to see the best ways to achieve this.

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for answering. I'll try to hit the ball flatter.

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