Backhand troubles


John Dobbins
John Dobbins Asked 8 years ago


I have trouble while playing my backhand side, especially because my teammates point it out all the time! One person keeps doing short serves extremely close to the net which my instinct automatically say to backhand the shot and setups really high to which i backhand chop (very weirdly) and flop!  How would i return the shot effectively to put it into a good place, and even catch my opponent off guard?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi John,

Focus on your backhand techniques for a while.  Start with the basics of the Backhand Counterhit and then progress to the Backhand Topspin Against Block.  Focus in particular on the start and finish positions of the strokes.

For that short serve that is sitting up a little higher the best stroke to be able to do is the Backhand Flick.  It may not be easy at first but it will be the most effective.

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